Thursday, October 23, 2008

Comic relief

Parody of a Yes on 8 commercial:

(thanks for the link CT)

A refreshing dose of sarcasm:

Ban gay divorce instead (from 9in10dotorg's youtube)

Another from 9 in 10. More risqué, still funny

Sans humor

New No on 8 ad with Cali Superintendent of Schools

A slightly longer blog post from a straight guy defending his lesbian sister-in-law's right to marry. He draws parallels to the miscegenation/interracial marriage laws of the past, giving some historical details of which I'd been unaware. Very sweet message.

Same-sex couples ask really nicely for rights from the rest of the state's voters

Another Yes On 8 Blog:
First off, this Yes On 8 guy doesn't know the phrase "civil union."

Also, he apparently hasn't read my new health insurance application for coverage under a Cali health care provider:

Separate but what? Oh that's right, unequal.

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