Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Videos and more videos

I'll try to keep this updated as more videos come out, but here are a bunch of the ones I've come across that deal with Proposition 8. Why videos? Because videos capture our collective short attention spans. Both sides are running their commercials (the Yes On 8 more frequently because they have more money), landing the issue in Californian's living rooms. Not all of these are commercials, some are just projects thrown up onto YouTube and Facebook. Enjoy and be entertained!

First, the No On 8:

The following four, produced by HomoTracker are intended to be Mac-vs-PC-esque

"Yes on 8" hits on the Cali Constitution

Hetero couples still ok, despite several months of same-sex marriage in Cali

Bi comedian Margaret Cho explains ballots

This one focuses on people with two moms or two dads who want equal treatment under the law for their families

The official No On 8 website's videos, courtesy of the No On 8 YouTube channel

The first to hit the Cali airwaves. A happily married hetero couple named the Thorons with 3 kids, one of whom they identify as their gay daughter, who want their kids to all have the same rights.

The second, I'm not sure if it's on TV yet/still, but it may be. It refutes some of the Yes On 8 ads, to be listed below

The third and most recent ad for tv, quoting newspapers

Ellen's plea to keep her current rights afforded by her recent legal marriage

Young voters appeal to young voters

There are some more slightly off-topic videos on the website/channel if you want to see more
A YouTuber/s took it upon himself/herself/themselves to counter the Yes On 8 commercials being aired

Another refuting that same ad:

And against their other ad

The No On 8'ers have been trying to get these false ads discontinued. Read more here about distorted truths and how Pepperdine University has made it very clear that they do not want to be associated with Yes On 8.

The Republicans Against 8 (including Governor Schwartzengger) make their own ad

The final message is No On 8, the rest of the video is just hilarious entertainment

Fantastic satire #1

Fantastic satire #2

Love Honor Cherish has a bunch of first-person testimonies

LoveHonorCherish's Token awesome Jewish mother

And now the Yes On 8 stuff.

I will weep for this child one day because she will likely end up with gay friends, siblings, children, or -heaven forbid- maybe even figure out that she prefers the ladies (or even both the men and the ladies) herself. Indoctrinated, internalized homophobia is no fun, guys.

Here's what's on the airwaves:

Again, I will weep for this child. At least she gets to get the role of Open Minded Child

More cries of "Protect the children!" while using kids too young to understand that they're being used as part of a political campaign, much less voice an opinion on the matter

This video shows old line of thought that goes, "If gays can get married, next we'll have polygamous marriages, incestuous marriages, and pedophilic marriages!" A. the Mormons already tried polygamy and were persecuted for it, yet now they're financing Yes On 8, B. I'm fairly sure that this taboo is ingrained enough in our social fabric that it doesn't even have an interest group, but I'm no expert, C. Look, no one is supporting anything that is not between consenting adults. Take out "consenting" or "adults" and then people start to get hurt.

Dear Newt Gingrich: You claim that "our courts have an important role to play in our government, but it is not their role to define American values." What about the values of gay Americans? Don't they get values, too? If you truly believe that marriage is inseparable from "values," and that government should butt out of values, then shouldn't we get rid of marriage rights for everyone and just give marriage back to the churches? Oh wait, it's more important to scare people with the idea of judges becoming dictators and ruining society for EVERYONE (minus gays, friends of gays, children of gays, residents who have changed their minds since 2000, and any other minority that has ever been protected from the opinion of the majority under the law).

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