The problem here is that even if the letter of the law does not state any exceptions that would confer certain rights to Cali married couples and not to domestic partners , evidence of separate-and-unequal treatment under the law of same-sex unions has shown the separate-but-equal approach to be insufficient. This is why justices in the Connecticut Supreme Court who recently decided that their state's civil unions were not producing a fair alternative for same-sex unions made this statement:
"Any married couple [reasonably] would feel that they had lost something precious and irreplaceable if the government were to tell them that they no longer were 'married' and instead were in a 'civil union.' The sense of being 'married' -- what this conveys to a couple and their community, and the security of having others clearly understand the fact of their marriage and all it signifies -- would be taken from them. These losses are part of what same sex couples are denied when government assigns them a 'civil union' status. If the tables were turned, very few heterosexuals would countenance being told that they could enter only civil unions and that marriage is reserved for lesbian and gay couples. Surely there is [a] constitutional injury when the majority imposes on the minority that which it would not accept for itself.''
No On 8
Touching, supportive words from a variety of faith leaders
Short, simple, real people
Aside: The above ad reminds me of a 1995 Guinness ad aired in the UK, posted below. So cute!
Respect differences, don't change the constitution
I'm grateful for the support of persons of faith and all, but this clip feels a bit Big Brother
Fairly straightforward comment, perhaps alluding to the often-made observation that those who are the loudest opponents of anything gay tend to be self-hating, closeted gay people themselves. I'll try to find the scientific studies supporting this, but I mean, just look at John Paulk (chairman of Exodus International) getting caught at a gay bar OR Michael Johnston (founder of "National Coming Out of Homosexuality Day") having scandalous unproteced sex with men he met on the internet OR evangelical superstar preacher Ted Haggard soliciting gay sex and meth ...the list of overcompensating closet cases goes on at TruthWinsOut
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